Figure 1: SDNA hardware and software stack. |
Daniel A. Freedman, Tudor Marian, Jennifer H. Lee, Ken Birman, Hakim Weatherspoon, and Chris Xu. Exact temporal characterization of 10 Gbps optical wide-area network. Proceedings of the 10th Internet Measurement Conference (IMC 2010), November 2010, Melbourne, Australia.
Tudor Marian, Daniel Freedman, Ken Birman, Hakim Weatherspoon. Empirical Characterization of Uncongested Lambda Networks and 10GbE Commodity Endpoints. Proceedings of the 40th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN-PDS 2010), June 2010, Chicago, IL.
Version 1.0: svn snapshot.
Download the above snapshot. We provide equivalent implementations in python and in C (to build the C version, type 'make').
We provide an example bitstream of iperf UDP traffic contained in the file (for historical reasons the bitstream is stored in readable python format, namely a list of tuples). To decode the contents (using the python version) type: python The same effect can be achieved by using the C version: ./decode64b66b
SDNA is a complete software network stack: